
에디슨에 대해서 영어 발표


hi guys!

I am going to tell you guys Thomas Edison who is scientist like inventor.

(you know) most man likes to be a scientist at young age.

me as well. so I decided to tell you guys Edison!





Let's start)

Eidison is very famous scientist from America

he was born in 1847.2.11. die 1931.10.18.

he lived for 65 years


He called the best inventor because he made something new over 1000 invents.

He was a very curious and liked to asked everyone about everything. He wanted to know everything how to work it that annoyed the people though. so he was even thought of mental ill by the people.


when he was in elementary school he called distracted boy because of his curious character. so he gave up going school and he was home schooled by his mother. his parent is poor. so he had to make money even though he was 12. he sold newspapers and snacks on the trains for making money and he still liked to interest in experiment at the same time.

some day he made a fire on train. so he was slapped on his ears by owner. he lost his sense of hearing like light deaf. he got doubt. he stop making relationship with people and only concentrated on his experiments.

he learned electrical skill from electrician at 15 (age). that technique is base for his invention.

after that he started to make somethings new like bulb and electric condenser so on over 1000 inventions.

he became famous inventor in the world. he left his moto.

Edison quotes, A genius is made up of 99% effort and 1% inspiration, which became a very famous quote in history. this shows that if you work hard, you will achieve anything no matter what it is It is kind of hopeful message for people who is diligent but is not successful

thanks for listening




스티븐잡스 스탠포드 졸업축사1 유튜브로 영어 공부하기

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